
It’s been awhile and yes, I have been neglecting my blog to pursue other projects. Last year I was galavanting around in the Pacific and movie I was involved in “Breath of Life” premiered at the Maui Film Festival where it won the audience award. My good friend Susan Kucera is coming to Bristol in March where “Breath of Life” will be shown at the Watershed as part of the 2015 European Green Capital which Bristol won. It’s about the psychology (or lack of it) when it comes to averting climate change and uses Hawaii as a comparison to Earth of an isolated community that was self-sustaining in the absence of contact with others. If you think about it, we ain’t about to be vacating this planet in the near future so we really need to get our act together. Susan and I will be doing a Q&A with the audience so if you are in the area, come along.

The other major news is that I have just launched an academic speaker’s bureau called speakezee.org which will connect audiences to experts who are willing to give voluntary talks on just about any area of interest. I got the idea after being invited to give  too many talks than I could possibly accept so this system should make it easier to find others who are just as good (if not more so) in communication. It will also be useful for organizing professional seminars. I am focusing on the UK initially but will be expanding internationally if it works. As with all new projects there are a few glitches that need ironing out. Watch this space.

A  simple interface to register & search for speakers

A simple interface to register & search for speakers


Filed under General Thoughts

6 responses to “Speakezee.Org

  1. Peter Robinson

    speakezee.org looks like an excellent resource and I wish you luck with it. Have passed on to Birmingham SitP as a possible useful resource. Maybe worth spreading around the rest of the SitP network?

    By way, you may be pleased to know, if have not heard already, that David Vollmar and Frank Trier of Unival GmbH, have finally been charged with 47 counts of fraud in Germany in relation to the HEDD1 (formerly Sniffex) detector.

  2. Good to hear from you Bruce and look forward to catching the movie at some point in the future. On a related topic (and maybe I should use Speakezee) Have you done research into the anti vaccination movement in the West. There seem to be strong parallels with your work on supernatural beliefs. Thanks

    • brucehood

      No but I am well aware of the problem having seen it rise in the past couple of years. I have plans for speakezee.org to spread to the US so fingers crossed… ooops you know what I mean

  3. Pingback: Speakezee.com: helping academics to engage with us all | University of Lincoln Public Engagement

  4. Pingback: Speakezee.org: helping academics to engage with us all | University of Lincoln Public Engagement

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